Monday, January 9, 2012

A New Look at Sherlock Holmes

Over the break, my husband and I came upon one of BBC's lastest versions of Sherlock Holmes: a television series called, "Sherlock" (2010).  If you have a Netflix streaming account, you can presently watch the first season of Sherlock online.  If not, it is very likely that rental stores like Hastings are carrying this wonderful show.  

Yes, wonderful.  To begin with, the music on the series is just fabulous.  In addition, the stylistic approach to filming is very unique and well done.  I had hardly watched five minutes of the first episode, and I knew that this was a show I would be following closely.  Who knew that a modernized version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's hero could be executed so well?  It is delightful!  

That being said, it was very disappointing to get to the end of the third episode and was the last episode of season one.  Yes, you read that right.  Each season is just three episodes long.  When you consider, however, that each episode is about 90 minutes long and that you're actually getting the equivalent of three full movies, the disappointment abates somewhat.  Let me forewarn you, however: season one ends on a cliffhanger.  A big one.  Happily, the first episode of season two aired on January 1, 2012, so at least we know there is more to come.  Now, to update my Netflix queue...can't wait for Sherlock, season two, to be added to streaming!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gotta love entertainment!

I have to admit: I'm a sucker for entertainment.  I love listening to music, I love a good movie, and I thoroughly enjoy a good book.  I even can be found playing video games from time to time.  As a result, I've decided to start sharing my thoughts on the entertaining works that pass through my life.  You may or may not be....entertained by my musings, but I hope that maybe you'll find a new good book, movie or some music to read, watch, or listen to that might just bring a smile to your face.  :)